
How Do You Ensure that Business Strategies Align With Your Company's Core Values?

How Do You Ensure that Business Strategies Align With Your Company's Core Values?

In the quest to keep business strategies true to a company's heart, we've gathered insights from founders, general managers, and other management professionals. From conducting regular stakeholder surveys to integrating community engagement in strategy, explore the diverse approaches encapsulated in these eleven expert responses.

  • Conduct Regular Stakeholder Surveys
  • Hold Strategic Review Workshops
  • Perform Quarterly Strategy Reviews
  • Foster Continuous Communication and Feedback
  • Align Strategies with Apprentice Success
  • Evaluate Strategies in Regular Reviews
  • Prioritize Customer Service in Strategic Planning
  • Conduct Regular Strategy Alignment Sessions
  • Hold Strategic Reviews and Alignment Sessions
  • Maintain Open Communication in Quarterly Meetings
  • Integrate Community Engagement in Strategy

Conduct Regular Stakeholder Surveys

We are committed to ensuring that our business strategies always align with our core values and mission of promoting eco-friendly products. One way we achieve this is by conducting regular surveys and feedback sessions with our customers, suppliers, and employees. By actively listening to their thoughts and suggestions, we gain valuable insights into what matters most to them and how we can better serve their needs while staying true to our values.

In the past year alone, we have conducted over 150 customer surveys and received a satisfaction rating of 95%, indicating that our strategies are resonating with our stakeholders.

Additionally, we have implemented a supplier evaluation system that assesses their sustainability practices, ensuring that we partner with like-minded businesses that share our commitment to the environment.

Another effective method to align business strategies with core values is by establishing a cross-functional team dedicated to sustainability initiatives. This team collaborates across departments to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our operations, from product

sourcing to marketing campaigns.

By prioritizing alignment with our core values and mission, we not only drive business success but also make a positive impact on the planet. As the saying goes, 'In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.'

Swayam Doshi
Swayam DoshiFounder, Suspire

Hold Strategic Review Workshops

Ensuring that business strategies consistently align with a company's core values and mission is a fundamental aspect of effective management. Armodilo Display Solutions adheres to this principle by integrating core values into every strategic initiative and operational decision.

One of the essential methods we use is conducting regular workshops and strategic review sessions with our team. These sessions are designed to assess whether new strategies or initiatives align with our mission of delivering high-quality, innovative tablet displays. For instance, when we embarked on a cost-reduction strategy, we first revisited our core values and mission to ensure that the proposed changes would enhance our commitment to quality rather than undermine it. This initial step is crucial in ensuring we do not inadvertently compromise the standards defining our brand.

We also involve team members from various departments in these discussions. By gathering insights from different perspectives, we ensure that our strategies align with our core values and are practical and achievable across multiple operational areas. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of ownership and collaboration among team members, enhancing their commitment to the company’s mission.

We establish clear communication channels and implement regular check-ins to maintain alignment over time. These touchpoints allow team members to provide feedback and suggest adjustments to strategies as needed. By creating feedback loops, we ensure that strategies remain adaptable and responsive to any shifts in the market or organizational priorities while staying true to our core values.

This structured approach not only reinforces our commitment to our mission but also strengthens internal cohesion and drives organizational effectiveness. Regular alignment with core values and mission ensures that every aspect of our business strategy supports our long-term goals and upholds the standards that define our success.

Chris Willard
Chris WillardGeneral Manager, Armodilo Display Solutions

Perform Quarterly Strategy Reviews

To keep business strategies in line with a company's core values and mission, regular check-ins and reflections are key. For instance, at Dreamstarters Publishing, we conduct quarterly reviews where we reassess our goals and strategies against our foundational values. This approach has ensured that even as we scale and adapt to new market conditions, our core principles remain intact. We also gather feedback from team members to ensure that everyone is on the same page and feels connected to our mission. It's like periodically recalibrating a compass to make sure it still points true north. By keeping these regular touchpoints, we avoid the pitfall of drifting away from what we stand for.

Mike Fallat
Mike FallatOwner, DreamStarters Publishing

Foster Continuous Communication and Feedback

As a general manager of a five-branded hotel, it's crucial to align business strategies with the company's core values and mission. To achieve this, we create a culture of continuous communication and feedback. We emphasize core values, which are CARE for our brand and mission, in daily operations through strong onboarding and training, leading by example, and maintaining open communication channels. We value team feedback and listen to our patrons' opinions to identify areas for improvement and guide strategic changes.

We regularly review our strategies, maintain brand standards, and focus on continuous improvement. We recognize and reward excellence, celebrating successes that align with the mission of the brand and hotel. Another important aspect is to view failures as learning opportunities and conduct analyses to understand what went wrong and how future strategies can be better aligned with the company's values and mission, and be agile in the approach in this dynamic market. This proactive approach helps adapt to market changes while maintaining strategic alignment. Recognizing and rewarding excellence and learning from mistakes can help boost morale and reinforce the importance of these values.

For me, the most important way is communication; hence, we encourage and value team feedback, and foster a culture where feedback is not just heard but valued and acted upon. We regularly ask the team how well the hotel’s operations align with the company’s values and mission. We do this through engagement surveys, one-on-one meetings, and team discussions.

We use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and to celebrate successes. The soul of our business is the guests we cater to, and guests’ opinions are crucial in determining if our strategies align with our core values. We religiously and regularly review guest feedback from surveys, online reviews, and direct interactions. We look for common themes and address any gaps between guest expectations and their experiences. We ensure that we share the feedback with our team and use it to guide strategic changes.

Anish Kuttan
Anish KuttanGeneral Manager

Align Strategies with Apprentice Success

We run a social enterprise (nonprofit) 12-month craft barista apprenticeship program in Denver, CO (Prodigy CoffeeHouse). Our mission is not only to help young adults see their potential, inherent greatness, and increase their social mobility but also to make great craft coffee drinks at our locations.

Our apprentices come into our program not knowing much about coffee—in some cases, they have never even tasted it. But our training is focused on getting them knowledgeable and proficient quickly, so we continue to serve great coffee with employee turnover built into our model. When that happens, our apprentices see that they can do hard things. They become great at a craft that builds the confidence they need to succeed at making great coffee while they are here, and the social/professional skill set to succeed after their apprenticeship is over and they step into their next position.

Jonathan SchultzGeneral Manager, Prodigy Ventures

Evaluate Strategies in Regular Reviews

One way I ensure our business strategies remain aligned with the company's core values and mission is through regular strategic reviews. During these reviews, we evaluate current strategies, assess performance, gather feedback from all employees and teams, make adjustments, and consistently reinforce our core values at the end of the meeting.

Mollyne AguilarGeneral Manager

Prioritize Customer Service in Strategic Planning

Embedding the business's core values into strategic planning and decision-making processes is critical. Managers must be able to define these principles and ensure they are well-communicated and understood across the organization. For instance, a core value is exceptional customer service, and we prioritize initiatives that enhance customer experience and satisfaction. We also incorporate feedback loops where employees can voice their opinions on how current strategies align with core values.

Daniel Kroytor
Daniel KroytorFounder and Director, Tailored Pay

Conduct Regular Strategy Alignment Sessions

To ensure that my business strategies remain aligned with the company's core values and mission, I regularly conduct strategy alignment sessions with my team. During these sessions, we review our core values and mission statement, then evaluate our current strategies and initiatives to ensure they reflect these principles. This approach keeps everyone focused on our long-term vision and allows us to make necessary adjustments in real-time.

One real-life example of this practice in action occurred during a significant expansion phase at SEO Optimizers. As we grew, it became essential to maintain our commitment to ethical SEO practices and client transparency. By holding these alignment sessions, we were able to integrate our core values into new strategies effectively. This process not only kept our team unified but also reinforced our reputation for integrity in the industry. Regularly aligning strategies with core values ensures consistency and fosters a strong, value-driven company culture.

Brandon Leibowitz
Brandon LeibowitzOwner, SEO Optimizers

Hold Strategic Reviews and Alignment Sessions

I make sure to have regular strategic reviews and alignment sessions. These sessions involve key leaders and stakeholders across the firm and serve as a structured process to evaluate and refine our strategies in light of our core values and mission. During these alignment sessions, we start by revisiting our mission statement and core values to ensure they remain relevant and reflective of our firm's goals. We then assess our current business strategies and initiatives to determine how well they align with these foundational elements. This involves reviewing key performance indicators (KPIs), client feedback, and market trends to ensure that our strategies are achieving their intended outcomes as well as staying true to our values.

I am constantly seeking input from various departments and individuals to gain diverse perspectives on how well our strategies are working and where adjustments might be needed. This helps me to identify any disconnects between our strategic objectives and our core values, allowing us to make informed adjustments.

We also incorporate feedback loops into our operations, allowing us to continuously monitor and adapt our strategies. By setting up regular checkpoints and performance reviews, we ensure that our strategies remain dynamic and responsive to both internal and external changes while staying aligned with our core values. This has really helped us stay focused on our objectives and maintain the integrity of our firm's purpose and principles.

Ross Albers
Ross AlbersFounder & CEO, Albers & Associates

Maintain Open Communication in Quarterly Meetings

As CEO of OneStop Northwest, I ensure our strategies align with core values through maintaining open communication and transparency with our team. We hold quarterly "Corporate Mission Meetings" where every employee evaluates our key goals, metrics, client feedback, and community impact to reaffirm we're on track. If needed, we'll make course corrections to better serve our customers and community.

For example, when we struggled with scaling content for a large tech client last year, we brought in freelancers, but quality suffered. Our team voiced concerns in a Mission Meeting, and we pivoted to restructuring internal roles and hiring two new editors. The improved workflow and oversight restored quality, which our client deeply appreciated. Their contract renewal showed our quick solution upheld our value of excellence.

We also survey clients annually to check how we're meeting their needs. Their feedback fuels updates to our services and tech stack. Though not always cheap or easy, regularly reassessing strategies ensures we operate according to our vision of delivering unparalleled, customer-focused solutions. Our core values are the compass we rely on to steer through challenges and maintain growth.

Dylan Cleppe
Dylan CleppeCo-Founder & CEO, OneStop Northwest LLC

Integrate Community Engagement in Strategy

I have always been a strong advocate of prioritizing community engagement and maintaining a strong focus on our reputation. Our core values—honor, integrity, and character—are central to every strategic decision we make, and we believe that our commitment to these values is crucial to our continued success and respect in the industry.

We have integrated community-focused initiatives into our strategic planning by actively participating in local events, sponsoring community projects, and supporting charitable causes that reflect our commitment to putting the community first. We also highlight the importance of honor, integrity, and character in our company culture and operations. This means setting high standards for our team in terms of ethical behavior and service quality. We ensure that every strategy we implement and every decision we make upholds these values, from how we handle customer interactions to how we engage with our peers and competitors in the industry.

We also regularly review our strategic initiatives to assess their alignment with our core values and mission. Our team gathers feedback from customers, community members, and employees to ensure that our actions are consistent with our commitment to excellence and integrity. If any discrepancies are identified, we make the necessary adjustments to realign our strategies with our core values. Keeping our community engagement at the forefront and upholding our values of honor, integrity, and character, we know that our business strategies are always in harmony with our mission.

Andrew Hulsebos
Andrew HulsebosService Director, Reiner Group Inc.

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